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Solidwaste & Recycle Center

W9840 County Road B,
(West of Coleman)


Thursdays:  Noon to 5:00 pm
Saturdays: 8:00 am to Noon

Solidwaste Bag Fee = $1.50 per bag

Garbage Rates
(That Does Not Fit In Town Of Pound Bags)
Mattress 10.00
Box Spring 7.00
Couch 15.00
Recliner 10.00
Sleeper Sofa 15.00
Folding Chair 1.00
Wooden Chair 2.00
Toilet Bowl & Tank 5.00
Rugs / Carpets By Size
Tires .25/#
Any Article That Will Fit Into A Bag 1.50
TV's & Computer Monitors .60/#
Microwave 5.00
Laptop 5.00
Any Other items at Attendant's Discretion